SB 1881
IFRA Position: Monitor
Senate Sponsors
Sen. Bill Cunningham
Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Sports Wagering Act. Provides that "exchange trade wagering" means the buying and selling of betting contracts at any time prior to the conclusion of an event based on a describable zero to 100 scale of probability and employing a recognized market surveillance technology used in United States financial markets that is capable of identifying wagering activities indicative of problem gambling, money laundering, and other actions detrimental to the integrity of sports wagering. Provides for the creation of an exchange trade wagering license. Provides that the Illinois Gaming Board may issue up to 2 exchange trade wagering licensees. Provides for eligibility of an applicant for a license. Provides for specified licensing requirements and fees. Provides that the license shall not be considered a property right. Provides that taxes levied and collected from an exchange trade wagering licensee shall be the same as taxes levied and collected from a master sports wagering licensee. Provides that an exchange trade wagering license is limited to exchange trade wagering and may not be used to allow a licensee to participate in other types of gambling. Effective immediately.
Last Action
Date |
Chamber |
Action |
2/21/2023 |
Senate |
Assigned to Executive |
SB 1736
IFRA Position: Monitor
Senate Sponsors
Sen. Mattie Hunter
Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Illinois Lottery Law. Provides that the Department of the Lottery shall offer a joint special instant scratch-off game for the benefit of the special causes of: the Carolyn Adams Ticket For The Cure; the Scratch-off for Illinois veterans; the Scratch-out Multiple Sclerosis scratch-off game; the Quality of Life scratch-off game; the Go For The Gold scratch-off game; the Scratch-off for State police memorials; the Scratch-off for homelessness prevention programs; the Scratch-off for school STEAM programs; and the Scratch-off for Alzheimer's care, support, education, and awareness. Provides that once the joint special instant scratch-off game is used to fund a special cause, the game shall be used to fund the special cause for the remainder of the existence of the special cause per the cause's respective provision of the Act. Provides that new specialty instance scratch-off games authorized by this Act to fund a special cause shall be funded by the joint special instant scratch-off game. Provides that new specialty instant scratchoff games authorized after June 1, 2023 must have a sunset date. Provides that the Department shall be limited to supporting no more than 10 special causes in total at any given time. Provides that the net revenue received from the sale of the joint special instant scratch-off game for the purposes of the provision concerning the joint special instant scratch-off game shall be divided equally among the special causes it benefits. Makes corresponding changes. Effective immediately.
Last Action
Date |
Chamber |
Action |
2/21/2023 |
Senate |
Assigned to Executive |
SB 1656
IFRA Position: Oppose / Hot Bill
Short Description: INTERNET GAMING ACT
Senate Sponsors
Sen. Cristina Castro
Synopsis As Introduced
Creates the Internet Gaming Act. Authorizes an Internet gaming operator to offer Internet gaming in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Provides that Internet gaming shall only be offered by an Internet gaming license or an Internet management services provider that has contracted with an Internet gaming licensee. Provides that an internet gaming licensee shall offer no more than 3 individually branded Internet gaming skins. Provides that an Internet management services provider may conduct Internet gaming on its own Internet gaming platform pursuant to the agreement between the provider and an Internet gaming licensee and in accordance with the rules of the Board and the provisions of the Act. Includes provisions for: requirements of an Internet gaming platform; Internet waging accounts; license requirements; age verification, location, and responsible gaming; diversity goals in procurement and spending by Internet gaming licensees; acceptance of out-of-state wagers; and limitations on home rule units. Provides that a 15% privilege tax is imposed on Internet gaming to be deposited into the State Gaming Fund. Authorizes the adoption of emergency rules to implement the Act and makes conforming changes in the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. Effective immediately.
Last Action
Date |
Chamber |
Action |
2/14/2023 |
Senate |
Assigned to Executive |
SB 1508
IFRA Position: Monitor
Senate Sponsors
Sen. Bill Cunningham-Mary Edly-Allen
Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Sports Wagering Act. Provides that the Illinois Gaming Board shall require an online sports wagering licensee to, after every 10 wagers made online by an individual, display a pop-up message directing that individual to websites on gambling addiction help.
Last Action
Date |
Chamber |
Action |
2/22/2023 |
Senate |
Postponed - Health and Human Services |
SB 1504
IFRA Position: Monitor
Senate Sponsors
Sen. Bill Cunningham
Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Changes the definition of "gambling device" to include any vending or other electronic machine or device, including, without limitation, a machine or device that awards credits and contains a circuit, meter, or switch capable of removing and recording the removal of credits that offers a person entry into any contest, competition, sweepstakes, scheme, plan, or other selection process that involves or is dependent upon an element of chance for which the person may receive a gift, award, or other item or service of value if that offer is incidental to or results from: (A) the purchase of an item or service of value; or (B) the purchase or gratuitous receipt of a coupon, voucher, certificate, or other similar credit that can be redeemed for or applied towards an item or service of value from such machine or device or elsewhere. Provides that participants in a game of skill or chance where money or other things of value can be won but no payment or purchase is required to participate shall not be convicted of gambling except where participation in such game of skill or chance is accomplished using a gambling device prohibited by these changes to the definition. Provides that a gambling offense involving such a gambling device is a Class 4 felony. Amends the Video Gaming Act. Removes a provision allowing for the use of a game device without a license if the game device is used in an activity that is not gambling under the Criminal Code of 2012. Effective immediately.
Last Action
Date |
Chamber |
Action |
2/14/2023 |
Senate |
Assigned to Executive |